It was inevitable. I simply had to have a fashion blog.
In my opinion, you can’t not feel good about yourself when working out on the farm. I sometimes made efforts to dress up in nice clothes to go out and end up feeling pretty meh. But, it seems like no matter what weird, grimy, ill-matched outfit I’m wearing when at the farm, I just feel good about myself. Is that strange?

For example, look at this little number. This photo is from a few years back. The denim in this jacket hasn’t begun to disintegrate yet, like it has now. It’s still looking goooood. Even falling apart, I wear it today. It was my dad’s. He passed away over 15 years ago.
You can’t buy jeans that are authentically as holey as what you create through hard work. My efforts to dress these up are apparent in the patches.
I’m particularly proud of the boots…$8 farm sale finds, still in the box. Farm sales are. the best.

My creative farm fashion beginnings started when I was pretty young. Here I am with Sugar Babe sporting what appears to be early lululemons. I don’t think I’d let my daughters out of the house in some of the things I used to wear back in the ????s.

Ah, Sugar Babe and I clean up real nice, don’t we? This is us in a horse show when I was about 12. Note the blue and white color theme. The only competitive activity that has more bling than figure skating or dance is horse showing. Although, we weren’t as blingy during this time period as cowgirls are today.

Here is another example of what farm girls will go through to earn a ribbon at a horse show. This is Sylvia and Maggie in a costume class. Maggie was seriously a saint for wearing horns. (She wasn’t a saint about much else, however.)

Speaking of horseback riding, only a true farm girl would ride in shorts and boots. It’s kind of pinchy. But, we’re a tough breed, right, Eva?

If you are on a farm, you pretty much wear boots. Western, work, rain…you just have to wear boots. If you come out to the farm on retreat, please bring something other than sandals. The true farm experience, at it’s best, will bring you off the paved path, and you need to be ready.

Like these two. Clearly, they found something of interest off the paved path. It’s no fun worrying about expensive clothes when you’re on the farm. A little stain or rip in inevitable when having an adventure.

Now, no matter the weather, mornings are dewy. I always seem to start the day by pulling on rain boots. I get up, get the coffee going, and head out to feed Mack. Usually, I’m still in my pajamas (I promise I won’t do that if you’re around). Bathrobe or not, I’m wearing the rain boots.

Besides a cornucopia of boots, jeans, and trashable clothes, a must-have is a good pair of work gloves. I have lots of pairs, cause I seem to loose half of a set pretty often. Whether you’re working in the timber, moving firewood, or putting up fencing, these will keep your manicure looking purty.

And, finally, we come to the hat. Farmers hat, baseball cap, western hat….I’ve noticed that farmers rarely wear sunglasses, but instead rely on a good brim to protect their face and eyes. But, if you choose to wear sunglasses when you come out, thats ok, too. We love you regardless. Just bring good shoes.
THOROUGHLY enjoyed your pictures this morning with my coffee! Boots and patches….I see where horses get their names! Sylvia and Eva’s farm days are the epitome of nostalgic childhood memories. I always seem to lose the the right glove so maybe we we could make a deal? Thanks for the morning chuckles…..Lululemon would be proud!
Ok, let’s put our gloves together…lot’s of work to do, Jeanie!