“Faith” is a word frequently used in spiritual practices, and a quick look-up on Websters gave the following definition: confidence or trust in a person or thing; belief that is not based on proof.
Proof is an interesting idea here. Sure, we may believe in a higher power, and especially that this power has influence on our lives, but we don’t really have actual proof that it exists. We may take circumstances and events and call them proof, but that is subject to interpretation.
The word Faith suggests a belief formed in the absence of proof.
However, I feel Trust is a little different. We use that word more frequently in relationships, with ourselves and others. And, Trust grows. Trust evolves. It grows and evolves based on the Proof we experience.
When we begin a relationship, whether it’s at work or personally, we all forge ahead with varying degrees of trust. Whether we are trusting or distrustful depends on past experiences. But the interactions we subsequently have will serve to solidify our trust, or distrust, of the new relationship. These interactions serve as Proof in our minds.
Charles Feltman defines Trust as “choosing to risk making something you value vulnerable to another person’s actions.” Distrust he defines as deciding that “what is important to me is not safe with this person in this situation (or any situation).”
While Feltman is limiting his definition to our relationships with others, trusting ourselves is even more important; that WE will do the right thing, and that we can trust our own actions, understandings, intuition, and beliefs.
So, perhaps you find yourself in a situation or in a relationship, and you are feeling uncomfortable. Without even considering the word “Trust”, ask yourself “What do I value that right now I feel is vulnerable or at risk?”
This answer could be so many things! Consider:
Sense of peace
Financial security
Brené Brown has identified seven elements that are contribute to developing trust. These seven elements are:
If you look at the first letters, you’ll see that they cleverly spell the word “BRAVING”, which is definitely a quality necessary to develop trust!
Trust is such an important quality to develop in creating a happy and peaceful life, that I decided to focus each of the next seven weeks in my yoga classes to exploring these elements. This week we explored Boundaries. Click here to see the class notes from our Boundaries exploration.
Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels